Alyssa’s First Word
Liss has a few proto-words and sounds and she LOVES to make noises and imitate her brothers. We’ve been waiting somewhat patiently for her first real word, and got a silly taste of her personally this morning. Although it might not count as a real word, it was clear and intentional!
As I was changing her diaper this morning Preston brought over her favorite stuffed snowman. She gave it a hug, looked right at me, said “UH OH!” loudly and clearly, and then threw the snowman overboard. Then she giggled hysterically along with both of her brothers, and did it again.
“Mama” and “Dada” can’t beat out “Uh-oh.”
Here’s an adorable picture of the little pip – sometimes she comes home from daycare with ponies and it’s probably the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.
Yesterday Preston did a Groundhog Day project and practice page at school. He was asked to write about his wish for Groundhog Day, and his answer melted my heart. He writes:
I hope the groundhog does not see his shadow because I want spring so that I can save animals and plant my gingko tree.
My sweet boy loves animals and nature! Santa brought him a gingko tree planting kit, and it’s been sitting on our mantle waiting for spring. I knew it was there, but I thought Preston had forgotten about it. I was going to bring it out with him in a month or two. He totally remembers it, and he is waiting patiently for spring!! He also explained that he is worried about the animals because it’s so cold outside, and he wants them to be safe and warm in springtime.
Last night as I was putting the boys to bed Preston suddenly announced “OH, Mommy, I need my Red Bulls!” My first thought was how the heck does this child know about Red Bull, who’s been giving him caffeine, that’s the LAST thing he ever needs... ever. And so I asked him what he was talking about. He explained that tomorrow is sports day at school and that he wants to wear his soccer shirt. His team was the Red Bulls! So that explains that, and we pulled out his old soccer shirt from the fall.
Reading Time
Preston has some practice reading pages from school, and so the last few nights I’ve been incorporating them into our bedtime reading routine. I’ll read 2 books, and then Preston reads his pages. At first I told him he only had to read 2 pages, but he insists on reading ALL of them, every night. There are probably 15 pages; I haven’t counted. The pages are a mixture of sight words, words to sound out, and pictures with words underneath. Preston does a great job of reading the pages, uses the right inflection on question sentences, and loves to practice. Luke, who always reads stories with us, too, gets in on the reading pages as well! He chants along, knows exactly where we are on the page, and SHOUTS when we get to the picture words: I like the PUPPY! I see a TURTLE! My favorite is when we get to the picture of a ruler and he insists that it is a comb. Preston and I let him get away with it.