Just for a little context he is referring to a book called "Actual Size" which has life sized pictures of the largest and smallest creatures on earth. He had also clearly been waiting to tell me this story with the book as a reference. I think that when he saw the spider by the lake he immediately thought of this book, but couldn't remember the name of the spider.
P: Mommy, where's that red book with the GIANT hand on it. I need to show you something.
M: Here is it, what do you want to show me?
P: Hold on...(turns the pages) that's not it, not looking for the salt water crocodile, or the ant-eater. Not the giant worm or Siberian Tiger, no, not the elephant... OH here it is. Here is the BIRD-eating Spider. Mommy! On the crispy rock I found THIS spider.
M: Oh my goodness, you found that Goliath Bird-eating spider? That is a BIG spider, did you show Grandma??
P: No. I killed it.
M: You killed it? Before you could show Grandma? Why did you kill it?
P: I killed it so that the birds would be safe.
*A crispy rock is a chunk of cement, with sand in it.
** Goliath Bird-eating spiders are only found in the rain forest in South America - and Dyken Pond
Preston: Everywhere that I feel itchy I find a bump!
Mommy: You were delicious lunch for lots of mosquitos.
From Luke:
I definitely had a fun weekend with Mom and Dad. I had them all to myself! I had my first taste of sushi, which was pretty good. I like the rolls. Mom dissected them for me so that I could eat them in small bites. She also let me try some salmon. I ate a few bites, but didn't love it. I like not having to compete with Preston for attention. I'm so well behaved when the attention is focused entirely on me!
Then on Sunday we took a walk at the fish hatchery. I got to feed the fishies little bit, and I chased a pair of ducks around the lawn. Then we went on a short walk along the river, before heading back to the car.
Saturday I took an epic nap. Sunday I took a short early nap and then refused to take a second one after our walk. That led to an early bedtime, because I was so grouchy, but all in all it was a good weekend.
I'm so glad to have Preston back, though! We rough housed with Daddy and sat next to each other while we drank our juice boxes.