Me: It’s not really the same as your birthday, Honey. Your birthday is January 16 and Christmas is Dec. 25.
Preston: Well, WHY didn’t you and make my birthday the same as Christmas!!??
Me: Honey, it wasn't really up to me, YOU decided to come on January 16.
Preston: NO I DIDN”T!! You made my birthday different than Christmas.
Me: Preston, do you know how this works? You were in my belly, and when you were ready to come you, you did! And it was January 16. Sorry, buddy.
Preston: I wanted my birthday to be Christmas, so it is!
I think we ended the conversation at that point. I tried to explain to him that it’s not really that fun to have a birthday on Christmas, because then you only get presents one time instead of two, but he wasn’t having it.
From Mommy:
We have been having a fun holiday season! It's been full of trains: Train rides, model trains, Santa Trains, choo-choo pajamas and outfits, train ornaments, ginger bread trains, etc. It's a theme in this family. Preston, Luke, Grandma, and Grandpa went on a Santa train ride the weekend of the Bach Concerts, and then the past weekend, I went on a Santa Caboose Hop with Grandpa and the boys. Santa also came to visit us on a Fire Truck, and at daycare at school. The Man is seriously everywhere.
We've also made several batches of cookies, including a batch that Preston made with Grandma. When Grandma suggested making cookies for fun he told her that he knew exactly what kind of cookies to make: roll out cookies with star shaped cookie cutters, because he's really good at the making stars. Grandma also helped him to make brownies for the daycare Christmas Party, and we made a batch for Santa (if they last that long!). Some of Luke's new favorite words are: cookie, Santa, chocolate, candy cane, and NOT NICE. He's very expressive and LOVES Christmas.
Anyway, I have a million photos to share, and a video, so enjoy!