Anyway, here are a few pictures from Zoellner Gala2015 starring Patti LaBelle (and me of course!)
We also got some SUPER cute fall school photos – the proofs arrived today, and I am applauding my decision to put the boys in their Halloween play t-shirts. Who needs formalwear for school photos anyway!!?
Last Friday Daddy took me to the pedi for my 18 month check up. Mom was a little bummed that she couldn’t go, but Dad did just fine without her. They let me do the stand-up scale with all of my cloths on, so I was 30 pounds – 98% percentile. Mom thinks that’s a little on the big side, and that it’s probably more accurately 27-28 pounds. They are only concerned that I am growing well and learning new things! And I got my flu shot.
I’m learning new things and words everyday, but Mom thinks that I’m kind of lazy about using my words. I’ve learned that whining and screaming get me more expedient results, so why would I bother with words? That being said, I’m doing alright. At my parent teacher conference my teacher said that language was my challenge area, too, so we are all on top of it.
I am OBSESSED with choo-choos – maybe even more than my brother who was obsessed with Mickey Mouse at this age. I made daddy read me every choo-choo book I could find, and I insist on watching real train videos on YouTube in the morning. I even ask for “more choo-choos” if they aren’t moving fast enough for me, and stomp my feet impatiently when I have to wait for them. I’m pretty good a playing with Brio trains, too. I can build the track in long lines, and keep my trains on the tracks while I play with them.
From Preston:
I’m very excited for Halloween. I ask Mommy everyday if it’s going to be my Halloween Party. I’m impatiently waiting for my parties next week. I have two, one at choir on Thursday, and one at school on Friday. Then we have Trick-or-Treat at night! Mom and I are going to make cupcakes next week for school, and Grandma is in charge of cookies for choir. My shiny new batman costume is ready to go!
At my parent teacher conference on Tuesday my teacher said I’m doing great, but that I need to work on my numbers. I have a lot of prep to do for kindergarten, but I’ll get there. I practice writing my name and my letters every day. I do pages in my workbook, and now Daddy and I are doing 10 minutes of number practice everyday. I’m great a counting and even doing some adding and subtracting, but I don’t know what numbers look like. Flash-cards will do the trick!
Every night when I go to bed I think about things to put on my Christmas list. It’s getting pretty full of golden, batman themed items, so now I’m starting to think about things that Mommy and Daddy and Lukey should put on their Christmas lists. I pretty much love Christmas. And my favorite movie lately is Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas. It’s never too early I suppose.
Conversations with Mommy:
Mommy: Good night, Pres. You have a busy day tomorrow, Grandma is going to pick you up for choir.
Preston: Oh! Good! Thanks for telling me, Mommy!
A while ago I asked Preston what he wanted to name his baby sister. He didn’t answer right away, he said he didn’t know yet. I was hoping for something silly or creative! A few days later he said “Mommy, I fought about it. We can name the baby sister Olivia.”
Spoiler alert: The new baby’s name is NOT going to be Olivia, but it’s actually one of the names that made the top of the list. I was surprised he came up with it!