At 18 months he is totally a toddler, tantrums included. He knows how to push my buttons, but I also know how to tell when he is getting moody. We have started doing time-outs in his crib. It’s one of the only ways I can get my point across when he is doing something that I really don’t like (throwing, hitting, kicking, etc). They seem to work short term, but I can tell it’s going to be a long process. And I thought having a newborn was exhausting. Luckily, he’s a really well behaved kid most of the time.
We are going to the doctor on Friday for a check-up, so I’ll post some stats then. In the meantime, here is a quick snapshot in time:
Favorite Food:
-Still Bananas (nanas) and we’ll add strawberries and blueberries to the list this month (buh-beeshes)
Favorite Books:
-The instrument book that plays sounds when you push the buttons
-The Peter Pan Pop-up book (aka the “Tick-tock book”)
-Yup, he still loves Tick-tocks
Favorite chores:
-Watering the plants (and the patio, chairs, grass, mommy, etc) with the watering can and hose
-Feeding the kitties
-Dust Busting
-Emptying the dishwasher
-putting clothes in the dryer
Favorite article of clothing:
-Shoes! When we put shoes on it usually means we are going outside
Favorite Activities:
-Going for walks
-Petting the Kitties
-Getting the mail
Favorite toys:
-Anything that makes cool noises
-Pull along cars
Least Favorite Time:
-When Mommy or Daddy leave the room
Least Favorite Activity:
Preston loves to make sounds, and he is getting really good at matching sounds that he hears. He’s working on white noises like the vacuum cleaner and the dust buster. Last night we had a thunder storm. When Preston heard the thunder he stopped to listen; then he started growling like the thunder. Next we heard the rain on the windows and the roof. He listened for a few seconds, then started clapping! The clapping sounded like the rain. Finally, he put both sounds together, growling and clapping, and he made a thunder storm. We watched the raindrops together out the window.
Another very cute thing right now is waving. He waves at all cars, coming and going. The neighbors usually wave back, but they don’t know that he is only waving for the car! He doesn’t really care who is driving it.
One last cute story about my little guy on his half birthday:
This morning I had to get going earlier than usual, so John was in charge of making lunch for Preston and getting him to daycare. He made Pres a delicious lunch of leftover fish and veggies and pasta! Yum! I approved it before I ran out the door. When I picked Pres up later in the day his teachers asked me why I hadn’t put any cheese in Preston’s lunch. I explained that Daddy had packed that morning, and that he didn’t know that I usually pack a few cubes of cheese. Apparently Preston took one look at this glorious spread and immediately asked for the cheese. I guess I owe him double tomorrow!