From my perspective I guess I have to admit that I'm lucky to have a baby that wakes me up in the morning, and goes to sleep easily at night. And he's actually a happy little guy until about 8:30 or 9pm. Tonight he hung out in his Jumperoo for close to 45 minutes. He's right in the kitchen with me, so I was able to clean up, and do some other chores while he just spun around. I love that he's becoming somewhat independent and can entertain himself. I'm also probably lucky to have a baby that knows how to fall asleep. We still have to work on the STAYING asleep thing, but it's getting better. I can tell when he is sleepy. I am able to put him in his bassinet or cradle while he is still awake, and he will put himself to sleep. Some people claim that babies this small don't have habits or can't be trained, but I disagree. When I put him down for a nap, he goes in his cradle on his side, tucked in with a pacifier. When all of those things happen I know he realizes that it's time for a nap. When it's bedtime he gets swaddled in our room, moved to his bassinet, tucked in with a blanket, and a hat on. I swear that as soon as I put a hat on he immediately knows it's time to sleep. That has been our routine since he was a newborn. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's too warm for a hat. I'll have to find really lightweight hats!!