Preston waves! We noticed it for the first time on Tuesday when he flapped his hand when he saw Daddy through the window. We thought it could have been a wave or just an excited hand gesture. He did it a few times yesterday – that made it a little more convincing, but today I am absolutely sure that he knows how to wave.
If you read my post on the morning routine, you’ll know that the morning is not a success until Preston chases a kitty around the upstairs. So this morning I asked Preston where the kitty was (I didn’t know, either, and I thought maybe he would figure it out). So he crawled to our bedroom doorway and started to wave at the staircase. He was waving at Jack! Not only did he find the kitty, but he waved at him. I was SO excited! But it gets better.
When we get to daycare I have to sign Preston in at the main office. The door to his classroom is off of the main office and today it was open with the baby gate up. I glanced over to see Connor waving at Preston… and Preston was waving back! I almost cried it was so adorable! Connor was just visiting from the toddler room, and I think that Preston and he missed each other.
I put Preston down on the floor, and Connor toddled right over and started petting him on the head. It’s no secret that Preston has famous hair at daycare, and even the other babies love it. Then the two boys sat down together in a pile of toys so they could wack each other. Oh, boys will be boys! It was a heartwarming morning, almost like a reunion between two long lost friends.
Now on to POINTING!