Mom and I are at the lake!! We are here with only Mema and Poppop, so I am getting some quality time with my Great Grandparents. When we first got here, yesterday, I kept asking for Grandpa. He’s usually here, isn’t he? Once it was well established that Grandpa just isn’t here, I switched gears to Poppop! He’s a fun guy, too. We play trucks together, and he loves to push me in the hammock. Now when I got to sleep and when I wake up I ask for “Poppop.” Mom thinks that it’s because he is the current male influence. Why, you ask? Where is Dada? Well, Dada is having a horrible time, stuck in the terrible state of Calfornia… I KID! He’s IS actually stuck in California, but he’s having a pretty amazing time. He misses us of course, but the client (for whom he is “stuck”) put him up in the swanky Beverly Hilton amid celebrities and superstars. Feeling rich and famous he decided to do a little shopping on Rodeo Dr, and hit up Venice beach to watch some rollerblading bikini babes and some street performers. It sounds to me like he is having a pretty awesome time. He’ll probably rejoin us sometime on Tuesday.
Mom and I are having a pretty awesome time, too! I get to go swimming in both the lake and my little kiddie pool; the weather here is beautiful, sunny and warm. Mema is SO impressed with how good of an eater I am. I clean my plate at every meal.
Yesterday Poppop and I went for a walk in the stroller down to the mailbox, and today Mom and I might got for a longer walk once it cools down in the afternoon.
This weekend I am learning to JUMP! I am already a great jumper when it come to my trampoline, but I trying to figure out how to do it with my knees. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
From Mommy:
We miss John, but we are having a good time here at the lake. I easily sympathize with single moms right now, although Mema and Poppop are a big help when it comes to entertaining. I still have to do bedtime and naptime without the help of Dada, and I had to make the whole trip up here alone, which, by the way, was terrible in Pennsylvania. It improved once we got to New York, and that was a huge relief. Between terrible traffic and detours and a screaming toddler, I was just SO happy to leave Pennsylvania.