Ok, so let me preface by saying I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, because Preston was cranky with some tummy troubles. What else is new? Thankfully I can sleep in, so I make it through the day without issue.
PJ was fidgety all night and all morning, which should have been a give away for me, but I could tell that he was working on something. There wasn't much I could do to help him. At some point I could tell that he needed a new diaper, so we headed upstairs to get cleaned up. And here it comes: as I was about to strap a clean diaper on my tiny child he projectile POOPED all over the changing table and all the way over to the futon in the nursery (about 4 feet away) where an unsuspecting Susie took a small hit. She was sleeping so she literally didn't know what hit her. In short, my baby projectile pooped on my cat. Thankfully Susie didn't get hit too badly, and I was able to grab her and clean her up before she tracked it all over the house. Once I took inventory of the damage I couldn't help but giggle, and at that point Preston was feeling much better and had calmed down. The poor guy just needed a major release.
I got the nursery cleaned up in no time, and PJ was happier for the rest of the day.
SO that was my Valentine Surprise! It's definitely one for the Baby Book.
In other news Valentine's Day was really nice. John came home with a beautiful bouquet of white roses and red carnations, and he cooked a deliciously inspired dinner of cracker encrusted cod, rice pilaf, and pan seared asparagus. For dessert: homemade chocolat souffle - YUM! If you're not aware, my husband is a pretty good cook. Before the baby we would try all sorts of new things and cook together. We've been pretty tired and uninspired by food lately, so when tonight's dinner turned out so good we were pleasantly... thankful. John even said he was glad to know he hadn't lost his touch. I wasn't worried. He had to go to choir tonight, so we had to cut the romantic dinner short, but it was really good while it lasted.
Preston is sleeping soundly now; he'll have to catch up on his blogging tomorrow.