My two favorite things from my day home with Mommy were the awesome cream cheese toast that I had for lunch and my new favorite book about dogs. The cream cheese toast was probably the most delicious thing I’ve tasted yet. Mommy cut the toast into tiny bite sized pieces for me and put them on my tray. They were so good that I put one after another into my mouth until it was so full I could barely chew! Mom was there to make sure I didn’t choke, and after that she only let me have 2 or 3 squares at a time.
The Dog book is an awesome book about – you guessed it – DOGS! It has parts that move and some fuzzy pieces of fur that I can touch. I love to read it so much that when mom asks me “Where’s your dog book?” I know exactly where to look for it and open it up to read it. You would think that with all my interest in my real life kitties, that I would love a cat book, but sadly we don’t have one.
From Mommy:
I forgot to mention that I got an interesting phone call on Sunday. I had to go to work for a little while, so when I got there I got a phone call from John. I thought that maybe I had forgotten something. When I answered the phone all I could hear was music in the background, so THEN I thought that John pocket dialed me… until I hard Preston say “DUH!” right into the phone. That’s right, Preston called me! John didn’t even realize that the baby had called me until I called him back a few minutes later to see what was going on. Preston must have hit redial while he was playing with (gooing) the house phone. I was so cute I didn’t want to hang up! I hope he calls me this much when he’s a teenager.