Today was another busy day for me. I went with Mom to church this morning and hung out with a few other kids in the nursery. I love rooms with new toys and kids, so I had a fun time in there. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for lunch. I got to spend the whole afternoon with Grandpa! We went for a long walk, played in some leaves, and enjoyed some great conversation. Here's what Grandpa had to say about it:
"We had a lively conversation. Preston now will parrot multiple sounds back to me, and when I change the sound, he switches too - he's paying attention. I started with good old reliable "DA", then switched over to blowing raspberries (with my tongue out). ( I think raspberries are our joint favorite sound to make back and forth together.) But then I switched over to Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma, and Preston immediately followed suit, then we segued to BA - BA -BA, and closed with me telling him to Whack-Whack-Whack, which prompted some good whacks with his hands on the tray of the stroller."
Tonight I was playing with Daddy and standing up on the sofa. I got distracted and let go of the sofa... and stood up without holding on! I was so proud of myself!....Until I realized that i wasn't holding on to anything and fell over. It was the first time Mom and Dad saw me stand by myself. I'm still not great at this whole balance thing. I have a pretty big head to control. Luckily I have super chunky legs that counter the hugeness of my head.
Anyway, there is no rush to learning to walk since I can crawl at the speed of light. The key to crawling fast is panting and making as much noise as possible. It also helps to not wear pants, and chase a kitty while you are at it. I encourage everyone to try it, and be sure to post pics, too, so we can all giggle at you!
We're all excited for a short week... and TURKEY DAY!
Daddy says I look different in this photo from the past few week-photos, like I'm looking less like a baby and more like a big boy. What do you think?